In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.
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New Noble Prophet posters at Bookstore: Limited stock!
@SalafiMasjidCom: The @SalafiBookstore is open NOW ☆☆☆ New books, posters about the nobility of the Prophet for your school and workplace. Get YOURS now!
If you want to book a stall, please call 01217730003 or 01217730033
Overnight stay for men only. First come, first serve basis only.
It is preferable to book yourselves into local hotels. You can book through or or
Remember to book your hotels early to avoid the rush. look for hotels anywhere near the Small Heath area. If you have a car you can stay further out and drive in.
Make a nice break for your family. Check into a nice hotel, attend the conference, visit some nice restaurants on Coventry Road or Ladypool Road.
Assalam alaykoum, would you allow me to make a timetable for this conference with SYD time and NZ time?
Jazak Allah Khayran