Shaikh Fawzaan: Those Who Keep an Attachment With The Scholars Are Not Affected by Astray Ideologies

In highlighting the reason why some of the youth diverge away from the correct methodology, Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) explains how detaching from the scholars and from their guidance whilst allowing oneself instead to be influenced by deviant ideologies is the cause of divergence from the truth:

The Shaikh states:

“These youth who have diverged away from the Salafi manhaj (methodology) in da’wah – did so because they were affected by these ideologies which came in from outside. As for the callers and the youth who remained keeping a link/attachment with their scholars; then they were not affected by such incoming ideologies. So these people – and all praise is for Allaah – are upon steadfastness – just as their pious predecessors were.

Therefore the grounds for this division returns back to the da’wah based ideologies and methodologies conducted by suspicious and doubtful people – or people who are astray and desire the termination of this blessing in which we live within this country. This being by way of: peace and stability and ruling by way of the Sharee’ah and the abundant good of this country – that is not to be found in any other country. They desire to make divisions between us; and to draw our youth away and to remove the trust from our scholars – and thus at that time there will occur – and Allaah’s refuge is sought – that which would not have a praiseworthy outcome…”

The Shaikh continues later stating:

“I say: no one violates the honour of the upright scholars who are upon the truth except one of three types of people:

1.      Either a hypocrite – whose hypocrisy is known.

2.      Either a faasiq (evil-doer) who hates the scholars because they prohibit him from evil-doing.

3.      Or either an astray hizbee who hates the scholars because they do not agree with him over his hizbiyyah (partisanship) and with his astray ideologies.”


(Taken from: Al-Ijaabaat Al-Muhimmah fil Mashaakil Al-Mulimmah vol 1 p.29-30)

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